A digital garden is like a mix between a personal blog and Wikipedia. Instead of scrolling through posts chronologically, posts will link to each other so that visitors can click through topics organically, similar to how a Wikipedia article's text is sprinkled with links that lead to other articles.
Unlike blog posts, which are written and refined offline before publishing, I write each page in real time. I will continuously return to posts to edit. Water, prune, pull weeds. Just like tending a garden. Some posts start off as tiny, one-sentence blurbs. Over time, these blurbs will grow into full pages.
Say hello to the garden's digimon guides:

They will indicate the state of each post. Tanemon will sit on top of brand new posts. As the page develops, Tanemon will digivolve into Palmon, who will eventually digivolve into Sunflowmon.

Animals |
Art |
Books |
Food |
Hobbies |
Miscellaneous |
??? |
Video Games |
Website Stuff |