about me
- Virgo ☼
- Scorpio ☾
- Scorpio ↑
I'm Heather, a painter from Montana, currently living in North Dakota.
I have way too many hobbies. One new hobby is learning how to code, apparently. Some things I do in my spare time are: play video games, watch anime, read tarot cards, read books (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and science non-fiction are my favs), play the clarinet, and cook. Although we're on a hiatius, my husband and I are geocachers and have found over 600 geocaches around the world >:) We once hiked 10 miles just to find one (1) geocache at the summit of a mountain.
about this site
The purpose is to carve out a small spot on the internet for myself. This is a place where I can goof around and express myself. My hope and goals are that you simply enjoy your time during your visit and get you inspired to create, too, whether that means drawing, painting, gardening (digital or real!), or building your own personal website.
News archive
what is a yogo???
Yogo refers to Yogo Gulch in Montana, which is known for its yogo sapphires. I'm from near that area and miss it very much. Sapphires also happen to be my birthstone; I wear a yogo sapphire ring that shifts from purple to blue.