Yogo Magpie



My drink of choice is tea. It is an absolute tragedy that here in the US we have a strong coffee culture and a weak tea culture. I can't tell you the number of times I've ordered tea at a restaurant, only to realize that I paid $4 for a cheap tea bag and a mug of hot water (sometimes they try to elevate the experience by providing a little tea pot of warm water to accompany that mug). Cafes are only slightly better, but most still try to charge you for a tea bag in a cup. Anyway... today I want to write about

Gongfu Cha

So I fell down a deep, deep rabbit hole when I was researching where to buy tea online. I went to Reddit, as one does, to see if I could find any good shop recommendations there. Instead, I discovered gongfu cha, which is the Chinese method of brewing tea leaves. Also called "kung fu tea," it means to prepare tea with skill. It involves placing a high ratio of tea leaves into a small vessel (e.g., a gaiwan) and straining it multiple times. Each brew time is very short, typically 5-10 seconds. Rather than brewing the tea western style (i.e., throwing a spoonful of tea leaves into an 8oz cup and steeping for 5 minutes, which dilutes and melts all of those flavor notes into one cup), gongfu cha captures how the flavors change as the leaves open up with each steeping.

Teaware and Supplies

[coming soon: Tea Cups | Tea Pet | Cha hai | Cute rabbit plate | Tea Tray | Zojirushi mug]

Tea Reviews

I'm not really good at describing the things that I smell or taste. Maybe I just lack the vocabulary or terminology (I once described a smell as round and my sister laughed at me). So know that before reading my tea reviews lol

Screenshot of Facebook messenger. Heather, 'Fresh white tea tastes so thick and creamy.' Rachel, 'Ew' Heather, 'It's not actually thick and creamy it just—the smell is so round. How do I explain?' Rachel, 'What does round smell like? LMAO' Heather, 'This is difficult to explain!'

My star system:

☆☆☆☆☆ = Absolutely vile, may as well throw any unused leaves into the trash.
★☆☆☆☆ = Gross but I will tolerate it for the caffeine, at least. Would not buy again.
★★☆☆☆ = It's fine, unoffensive. Probably would not buy again but also wouldn't say no to it.
★★★☆☆ = Pretty good but I wish the tea gave me *more*
★★★★☆ = Very good, I'd buy it again and probably will.
★★★★★ = Perfect, amazing, it changed my life.

Critical Thoughts wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Critical Thoughts cake

Photo of my cup filled with Critical Thoughts.

Name: 2024 Critical Thoughts dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Black

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: Sun dried assamica (large leaf varietal) from Yunnan that is usually destined for raw Puer production.
Our 2024 Critical Thoughts is a almost akin to a thick tomato soup, but not really, because it's a Yunnan black tea. Vegetal sweetness and sugarcane atop malt. Bright and enjoyable with balanced heaviness.

My notes: Started off with a 60-second rinse. I did 60 seconds for the first steeping and then ~10-second steeps afterward. Right away, could smell malt and a hint of chocolate. The aftertaste was the same. The gaiwan lid smelled savory, and somewhat spicy and sour but I couldn't put my finger on it. Tomato soup, like w2t describes? Maybe. I have not smelled anything like this in a tea before. The taste and smell was consistent the entire session.
—Mar. 8, 2025

Rating: ★★★★☆

Ditch Pike wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Ditch Pike cake

Photo of my cup filled with Ditch Pike.

Name: 2024 Ditch Pike dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Black

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: Sun dried assamica (large leaf varietal) from Yunnan that is usually destined for raw Puer production.
Our 2024 Ditch Pike has an herbaceous bent with a minty quality that skips between pine sap sweetness and a mushroom broth. Complex and engaging throughout.

My notes: 60-second rinse, followed by 10-second steeps. The lid smelled like a savory vegetable bouillon, or vegemite/marmite. It had a nice, dark color and strong flavor, but the later steeps evolved into something a bit strange. I began to smell a hint of mint or cut grass, I guess like the pine sap w2t describe. This was a very enjoyable, surprising tea from start to finish.
—Mar. 2, 2025

Rating: ★★★★★

Green Hype wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Green Hype cake

Photo of my cup filled with Green Hype.

Name: 2024 Green Hype dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-Erh

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: A significant amount of aged material in the blend to smooth out the experience. The new material in the blend is punchy and full bodied with an intense huigan [the lingering sweetness in the mouth after drinking a tea]. Excellent daily drinking raw Puer with plenty of intrigue and character to keep you engaged from cup to cup.

My notes: 60-second rinse and 6-second steeps. Quite grassy. Not grassy like a summer lawnmower, but like a walk through thick, wild grasses that are soft to the touch. The first few steeps did not have a stickiness or bitterness, but became thicker and stronger in later steeps. A vegetable aftertaste rose up, like artichoke heart. Everything changed again towards the end; the raw pu-erh flavor remained but the vegetal notes softened.
—Feb. 9, 2025

Rating: ★★★★★

Anzac wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Anzac cake

Photo of my cup filled with Anzac.

Name: 2024 Anzac dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Huangpian

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: Our new 2024 Anzac huangpian focuses on blending high-quality material from several regions that lack the fame (and high price tags) of more well-known counterparts, but that have the complexity and engaging character that seasoned Puer drinkers seek. Our best choice for a budget daily. Excellent for aging and lovers of young Puer.

My notes: This was a freebie sample provided by w2t, a pleasant surprise. Soaked and rinsed after 2 minutes. I did a 30-second steep, then 20-second steeps. This was a mellow tea that needed the extra time. It was very smooth and sweet. It wasn't floral-sweet, more like vanilla-sweet. The later steeps became a bit more astringent with citrus, and the aftertaste was cool like mint or menthol. Very interesting and I think I would buy a whole cake later if it's still available!
—Jan. 26, 2024

Rating: ★★★★☆

941 wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2023 941 cake

Photo of my cup filled with 941.

Name: 2023 941 dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: This is a light and relaxing blend, easy drinking. No frills, no stress. Sweet, soft and easy. It will age beautifully, or it’s fresh sweet grass Yiwu character is a pleasure for a soft session the day it arrives.

My notes: Rinsed for 2 minutes and did 6-second steeps. This was indeed a very light and slightly floral tea with minimal bitterness or astringency. I caught the slightest bit of smokiness when smelling the leaves. I think this is a fine tea but not as exciting as I would like.
—Dec. 29, 2024

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Moon Bear wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Moon Bear cake

Photo of my cup filled with Moon Bear.

Name: 2024 Moon Bear dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: A mystery; sorta raw pu-erh sorta white

Measurements: 7g @ 190°F

white2tea's description: ...this Yunnan tea performs like a smoother version of fresh raw Puer with unique bright aromatics and a supple soup carrying savory flavors.

My notes: Rinsed for 60 seconds and did 10-second steeps. This was very warm and gentle. I thought that it had a strong white tea flavor, although it was, overall, underwhelming. I didn't really find anything extraordinary with this one :(
—Dec. 2, 2024

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Veldt wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2023 Veldt cake

Photo of my cup filled with Veldt.

Name: 2023 Veldt dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: Layered flavors and fragrances with a lively mouthfeel and plenty of intrigue to bring a little light into the morning.

My notes: Rinsed for 60 seconds, followed by 10-second steeps. This was very gentle and floral, with a berry-like aroma. It had a slight astringency and a hint of smokiness once the leaves opened up. There was a very subtle orange pith aftertaste. It has a lot of interesting flavors and was fun to drink. I liked this one so much that I ordered a 200g cake.
—Dec. 1, 2024

Rating: ★★★★☆

Blood Moon wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Blood Moon cake

Photo of my cup filled with Blood Moon.

Name: 2024 Blood Moon dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Shade dried, partially oxidized halfway between white and black

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: The bright and clear soup is sweet and enduring, with a velvety softness and aromas that flit between vegetal and fruity. Soft strawberry flavors and grassy honey are at the forefront of its youth, though we suspect it will deepen and thicken up in the coming years.

My notes: Rinsed twice for 60 seconds each, then did 6- to 10-second steeps. The leaves were fat—whole leaves with little breakage. Right out of the wrapper, I smelled fruit, but instead of strawberries I thought it was more wine-like. The fruity aroma was strong for the first few steeps, then it faded to become more floral and honey-ish. Very low bitterness and astringency. Definitely on the sweet side. I only wish that it lasted longer. It was not enduring as w2t claims. After the two 60-second rinses, I only got about 300ml out of it before it tasted like hot water.
—Oct. 19, 2024

Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Harlequin wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2023 Harlequin cake

Photo of my cup filled with harlequin.

Name: 2023 Harlequin dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 212°F

white2tea's description: A raw Puer blend that was sent to Fujian province to be hand charcoal roasted by veteran Wuyi Yancha oolong makers. A blend of 2022 raw Puer teas, roasted in late 2022 in Fujian and rested until pressing this spring 2023 in Yunnan. Charred citrus, fresh cut melon, clover garden aromatics and sweetness. The roast of the charcoal has taken the edge off of this young sheng blend and ramped up the fragrance and sticky mouthfeel.

My notes: Rinsed for 60 seconds, then did 10-second steeps. The leaves opened quickly and the scent was powerful. Other dragon balls take a couple rinses to finally taste or smell like anything, but not this one. Smoke was definitely the forefront of this tea, quite the opposite of the Hotline Space Coyote tea I drank in August. In Harlequin, the strong smoke reminded me of incense, not so much a fireplace or campfire, and I greatly enjoyed that. In the mouth, it was slightly bitter and astringent, and left behind a stickiness and sweet aftertaste, although I couldn't put my finger on any specific fruity flavors like white2tea describe. The smokiness remained pleasantly strong through the entire session.
—Oct. 13, 2024

Rating: ★★★★☆

Hot Brandy wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2021 Hot Brandy cake

Photo of my cup filled with hot brandy.

Name: 2020 Hot Brandy dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Black and White Blend

Measurements: 7g @ 212°F

white2tea's description: "The soup is thick, smooth, and fragrant. The tea has excellent endurance and can steep for a very long time and can even withstand being simmered or boiled without becoming acrid."

My notes: Rinsed a couple times for 60 seconds each, then did around 10-second steeps (or longer, I wasn't so particular this time). I smelled something toasty and sweet underneath the veggie scent of the leaves—the first word that came to mind was marshmallow so I'm going with that. The flavor was surprisingly robust for a 4-year old tea. The black and white flavors melded together beautifully, and I can pick out one or the other in each steeping. Thick and smooth, just as white2tea described. The flavors and aftertastes were like honey and peonies. Delightful, forgiving, and easy to drink. For the price (~$30 for the cake) Hot Brandy is an incredible value for the experience, deserving my first 5-star rating.
—Sept. 29, 2024

Rating: ★★★★★

Moon Waffles wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2024 Moon Waffles cake

Photo of my cup filled with moon waffles.

Name: 2024 Moon Waffles (white2tea)

Type: White

Measurements: 7g @ 190°F

white2tea's description: "A bright and floral fresh white tea with a supple sweetness and creamy, heavy body."

My notes: Rinsed for 60 seconds, then did 10-second steeps. Opening this tea cake (well, waffle) from its bag was like having a cloud of perfume puffed into my face. To me, moon waffles is the quintessential white tea. It was highly aromatic in the gaiwan and cup, and left a pleasant honeysuckle aftertaste. Delicate, slightly astringent, barely bitter, this is a tea I will happily reach for when I need something soft and gentle. There wasn't much nuance in flavors between each steeping, which makes me think this would be a fine tea to brew western style, throw into a travel mug, and take along on a morning walk or commute.
—Sept. 25, 2024

Rating: ★★★★☆

Dangerfield wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2022 Dangerfield cake

Photo of my cup filled with fenris ulf.

Name: 2022 Dangerfield dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: "...blended with an intention of being a poor man's Naka. The tea is extremely fragrant and smooth with an astonishing huigan [lingering sweetness]. The complex aroma and sweetness shift from steep to steep. "

My notes: Rinsed for 60 seconds, then did 10-second steeps. The leaves in my gaiwan smelled like steamed vegetables, but in a pleasant way. The first steeps tasted like fresh cut grass (with its name, I imagine Rodney Dangerfield's face, so maybe I'm connecting this tea to Caddyshack). Dangerfield the tea was very astringent, but settled down after the third steep. I wouldn't say it had a sweet aftertaste, having had teas that were very honey-like, but it did leave a warmth and stickiness that reminds me of how my mouth feels after eating a cupcake. Maybe the sweetness white2tea mentioned was more pronounced when this tea was fresh.
—Sept. 21, 2024

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Fenris Ulf wrapping paper from White 2 Tea
White2Tea's wrapper for the 2022 Fenris Ulf cake

Photo of my cup filled with fenris ulf.

Name: 2022 Fenris Ulf (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 200°F

white2tea's description: "...thick and powerful cup of tea with a well balanced amount of aggression. Burly flavors combined with a thick sweetness and plenty of staying power."

My notes: I think white2tea's description captures the experience of this tea well. In the cup, it smells of tobacco with a hint of smokiness. In the mouth, it bites hard. It is bitter and astringent, but the aftertaste is soft and floral.
—Sept. 20, 2024

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Hotline Space Coyote wrapping paper from white 2 tea
white2tea's wrapper for the 2021 Hotline Space Coyote cake

Photo of my teacup filled with hotline space coyote.

Name: 2021 Hotline Space Coyote dragon ball (white2tea)

Type: Raw Pu-ehr

Measurements: 7g @ 212°F

white2tea's description: "...the return of our classic, strong Menghai area character. Full on power with a smokey backdrop. Medium bitterness and astringency when pushed and a heavy bodied tea throughout."

My notes: In the first steeping, after 30 seconds, this tea gave a slight smokiness without being overwhelming or offputting. It is slightly bitter. Its flavor reminds me of the smell of Montanan wheat fields after smoke from Canandian wildfires have blown southward. The second steeping brought forth a subtle sweet flavor which reminded me of berries. By the third steeping the smokiness faded, but the wheat field flavor persisted. After that, the following steepings grew more bitter and all smoke and berry hints have disappeared.
—Aug. 24, 2024

Rating: ★★★★☆