Yogo Magpie

to do list

Status Description
not started Digiscope pagee.
not started Movie, show, book pages.
not started Draw a new homepage splash image, maybe a self-portrait idk
not started Create copyright/privacy page.
not started Make navigation buttons.
not started Replace digital garden buttons with little gifs or something.
not started Draw a new site name/logo thing.
not started Redo the magpie on the homepage (I don't like it anymore lol).
Create 88x31 button
WIP Manifesto...thing
Figure out how to create an RSS XML file. OK I did this but now I need to add the RSS link somewhere on my site.
Pixel/animate Sunflowmon for the digi garden.
Create a thing w/ css so that all external links are a different color or highlighted or something, instead of using asterisks (i don't like how the asterisks look) note to self make the external links blue and the internal links pink
Figure out a speech bubble for the magpie on the home page.
Clean up sitemap; add to navigation links
Create main art page
Create main about page; clean up the layout and spacing issues
not started Guestbook?
Begin cultivating my digital garden
Redo h1 and h2. Add h3, color rotten seaweed. Add h3 for pages with multiple sections, like the friends and inspo sections on the new links page.
Finish top navigation
Clean up links page: download icons/buttons from other websites and add them to the page. Then add "links" to navigation bar.

website changelog

Date Notes
15 Sep 24 Finally made a 88x31 button, which I put on the Goodbye page.
14 Sep 24 Decided to turn this place into a digital garden for all my non-art stuff, and my art will continue to live on HeatherFranzen.com. Revamped a bunch of stuff (homepage, navigation links, and general updates across the site as I find them).
11 Aug 24 I graduated grad school and am now free to work on my site again! I am learning JavaScript and implemented my first code: the copyright year at the bottom of every page :)
19 Aug 23 Created the Cat Gallery.
12 Aug 23 I figured out how to create a lightbox gallery using only HTML and CSS (I am not ready for JavaScript) and launched the first gallery, the Fox Gallery.
7 Aug 23 Woohoo the garden is now open with one (1) post!
30 Jul 23 Finally got the main digi garden page set up. Started designing animated pixel art of the digimon guides. Now to actually write some posts.
21 Jul 23 Made external links blue and internal links pink; Finally added a favicon and titles to each page; Finished the sitemap guts, just need to make actual pages in my art gallery and garden now lol
18 Jul 23 Embedded a status.cafe widget into the about page but I don't like where it is currently. idk where else to put it. Also added more text to the page. UPDATE I positioned the status.cafe widget in a nice place, I think, and fixed the spacing issues on both desktop and mobile.
15 Jul 23 Added starter image/text for the about page.
12 Jul 23 Created the speech bubble on the home page with CSS! It took forever!
11 Jul 23 Drew a magpie for the home page.
10 Jul 23 Added text regarding links to the hello page; Added info about this site's name to the about page; Created sitemap.
6 Jul 23 Tweaked colors so that my site is accessible/readable. Finished links page. Finally created the remaining pages of my main navigation bars.
4 Jul 23 Added more links to links page. Adjusted headers sizing/colors and added h3.
3 Jul 23 Took way too long to learn how to design the navigation bar with CSS; Added a starry background; Created a links page.
2 Jul 23 Worked out the layout of the site.
1 Jul 23 Began with choosing a color palette and experimenting with fonts.
23 Jun 23 Created a Neocities account!